Thursday, November 23, 2006


Has anything senseless ever made sense to you? But the very fact that it may have made sense rules out the fact that it was senseless. Now, this makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
See, it’s possible to give sense, or meaning to something as senseless as “senselessness”. By just turning it round and round. Interpret and reinterpret. Twist the senseless and turn it to make sense.

It’s like this famous girl=evil derivation. If you don’t already know about it, here it is.
Girl= time * money (proportional, rather. Because a girl uses up all of a guy’s money and takes up all his time)
But time = money (again, proportional as in a job the more time you work, the more you are paid)
Therefore, girls = money * money = (money) ^2
But money is the “root” of all evil;
Or money = √evil.
So, girls = (√evil) ^2
Implies, girls = evil.

So, you see girl=evil! Oh, it’s senseless, you’d say. But it did make certain sense that you smiled at the ingenious logic, dint it?

So, literally, sense can be made out of anything, even the senseless. That doesn’t, however, make it any less senseless! If you look carefully at any such situation, you’ll know that it makes sense only at the first glance. If you look at it more closely, you’ll find a major flaw in the argument, which would be covered up by something less concrete but more attractive and creative.
Everyday situations can be compared to this. When you have said something unreasonable or illogical (you yourself know it) but cant take back the words, and have to go ahead and put forward an argument, this is what comes out. Senseless logic. And, of course, they are any truly senseless person’s words of wisdom!
And, quite often, one gets away with it, if one is ingenious and convincing enough (the above example being one such). Either it is so absurd that other person really doesn’t get a thing and ends up doubting his own scope of understanding; or he is so completely taken aback by the argument that he can’t help finding it funny and truly appreciates the ingenuity! Otherwise, one just confronts cold looks and pursed lips and one sheepishly runs out of the room; so much for one’s brave stand!

In fact, many of the justifications we give to ourselves for our many actions are quite comparable. Just say something, anything, and we are at least superficially convinced of the correctness of the deed, or forget the correctness, even the reason for the action! As it is, we do a million reasonless, senseless things in our daily lives. So, this farce sense is playing in our heads at every instance, trying to give meaning to the senselessness in our lives (knowingly or unknowingly)…